One of the most common questions ask by educators once they have migrated their fleet of iPads to ZuluDesk is "How do I install new apps?" Luckily, this two part process is very simple and takes no time at all. Step 1 - Purchase or Download from Apple Login using... read more →
On a recent business trip to Thailand we were amazed at the strength and reliability of Internet connectivity speeds when using local carriers for both wired and WiFi networks. As this was our first trip visiting our technology partners in the region, expectations of speeds were low, based purely on comparing preconceived... read more →
If you have updated your WordPress site recently, you may have noticed a site notice on your dashboard asking you to “Try Gutenberg”. What's Gutenberg I hear you say? Well if you are familiar with add-on editors like Visual Composer or WP Bakery then you'll notice the similarities that Gutenberg... read more →
Ever wondered why your website may not be ranking a high as possible in search engine result pages? In 2010, it was finally made official that Google counts the loading speed of your website as a ranking factor of where your site will be displayed. As a rule of thumb,... read more →
Our friends at Sphero have identified a real lack of coding instruction within the educational landscape and want to close the gap and help bring the future into the classroom. Sphero's app-enabled robots fosters the skills that students need to lead to a wide variety of careers. When it comes to mainstream... read more →
Ok so I downloaded Vero after an unprecedented outpouring of support and recommendations from friends and bands I like and I gotta say whilst it's been touted as the obvious replacement for Instagram with it's algorithm free, ad free and the promise of displaying a chronological feed, the results so far... read more →
Recently we were invited to use Refind, a new online tool for business which allows people and publishers to save and share information from the web to their own digital magazine. Whilst Refind is not the first of it's kind in information sharing (think twitter and facebook), it does give... read more →
The bane of nearly every website owner or webmaster has to be the amount comment spam from spambots your awesome post receives as soon as it's published, and the shifting through of the bad stuff just to get to the good. So, firstly you need to make the decision on... read more →
From 1 July 2018 as part of auDA’s Registry Transformation Project, domain names in Australia are heading for an overhaul with ".com" looking like being the first casualty and the addition of non-ASCII characters and other changes. The reforms being proposed is to drop the Top Level Domain (TLD) ".com" and simplify... read more →
With mobile and tablet devices accounting for over 50% of traffic to websites via search engines compared to desktop computers, now is the time to make sure your site is fully responsive or 'mobile friendly'. With the web being accessed more and more on mobile devices and tablets. So designing... read more →